The image at the top is that of a primitive dark matter detector. Really, it is. Okay, if you know anything about physics (especially if you happen to be a physicist), the reasonable assumption is that the author of the opening sentence is crank, a crackpot or simply crazy. The claim that a magnetic compass is a dark matter detector should raise your red flags. If it didn’t then I would suspect that you are either a crank or you don’t have a sufficient understanding of physics to distinguish between a crank and a scientist. If your red flags are up and high as they should, then I invite you to read further.
Quantum-geometry dynamics is a theory derived from a minimal axiom set necessary to describe the evolution of dynamics systems. It proposes that all particles are made from one and only one type of fundamental particle which we call the .
, which QGD predicts were the only particles that existed in the initial state of the universe, still permeates space (QGD assumes space to be discrete rather than continuous).
were distributed uniformly throughout space and a fraction of them combined to form the lightest detectable particles, low momentum photons (the cosmic microwave background radiation), then progressively larger particles and structures that eventually gave birth to present universe. I have discussed the cosmology derived from QGD elsewhere so I’ll focus here on magnetic fields.
QGD predicts that magnetic fields are made from polarized and that effects we attribute to dark matter are due to gravitational interactions with the
populating large regions of space**. Objects which we call electrically charged interact directly with free
absorbing and emitting them, polarizing the preonic field and producing the effect of electromagnetic attraction and repulsion. The needle of a magnetic compass reacts to the polarized preonic field, that it, it moves due to polarized
which as we have suggested are the particles causing the dark matter effects.
If exist then, why haven’t we detected them? Well, we have. We do every day with anything that creates, detects or uses magnetic fields. It is true that we haven’t detected individual
but that is due to the fact that they never decay into other particles, annihilate into photons (they are the components of photons) or transmute into other particles.
are eternally stable, which would explain why experiments that hope to observe their decay haven’t been successful.
Also, being the fundamental unit of mass are orders of magnitude less massive than photons and possessing the fundamental unit of momentum, itself orders of magnitude smaller than even the least energetic photon, cannot be individually detected. But we can measure the gravitational effect a large number of them can have. That is, we have observed the sum momentum polarized
can impart as a magnetic field. This is why a magnetic compass is essentially a device that detects the polarization of the preonic field around the Earth and it interacts
or what has come be known as dark matter.
Thus, according to QGD, dark matter is not a mysterious and exotic type of matter. We see its effects and use it every day. Dark matter was hiding in plain sight. We just failed to recognize it.
Recommended reading:
* An Axiomatic Approach to Physics
** Effects Attributed to Dark Matter and Dark Energy
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