To be clear, quantum-geometry dynamics (QGD) does not solve the unsolved problems of current physics theories. Generations of the best minds in science have been working on the problems that arise from our best current theories and it would be presumptuous to claim to have solved these problems. These problems are too big and complex for any one person to tackle. Now, you may ask: What does QGD have to do with these problems? The response is: It efficiently does not solve them.
The idea behind it was simple: to develop a theory from a minimal axiom set necessary to describe dynamics systems. QGD was never was meant to take on the problems facing dominant theoretical physics. As I explored the consequences of QGD’s axiom set I derived equations that describe gravity, the electromagnetic effects, the laws of motion and the laws of that govern optics to give a few examples. But, because it was based a different axiom set, none of the problems that arise in current theories came up in QGD.
QGD’s derived equation for gravity predicts that gravity is not fundamental but the effect of two fundamental forces. It also predicts that beyond a threshold distance , gravity becomes negative. Therefore, QGD’s description of gravitationally interacting systems does not require dark energy (see Effects Attributed to Dark Matter and Dark Energy). QGD also reproduces the predictions of our best theories of gravity (see here) and its equations are found to describe a number of physical phenomena.
QGD proposes that there exists only one fundamental material particle we call . QGD predicts that all other particles and their antiparticles are made from
and that the difference between a particle and its antiparticle is due to their dynamic structural properties. All particles being made from the same matter, the problem of the matter/antimatter asymmetry does not arise.
QGD proposes that most are free though they interact too weakly to be detected individually; their mass over large regions of space interacts gravitationally with bounded
(visible matter) and produces the effects we attribute to dark matter. Also what we call magnetic fields are predicted to be polarized
. So dark matter, far from being an exotic form of matter, are really the most common and most commonly observed.
According to QGD, time is nothing more than pure relational concept which allows us to compare events to periodic systems (clocks). Time does not correspond to a physical aspect of reality and the universe being strictly causal, the problem of the arrow of time does not arise in QGD.
are also the fundamental unit of matter mass we find that mass of a particle, structure or contained in a regions of space is simply the number of
that it contains. All equations describing the evolution of a system need only use this definition of mass. Thus mass being an intrinsic property of matter we find that no other mechanism is necessary to generate it.
QGD only has two physical constants; the fundamental momentum of the and the units of the two fundamental forces that it predicts exists. All other constants in nature can be derived from them.
The unsolved problems of physics are theory dependent, they are their by-products, but none of these problems emerge from QGD’s axioms. QGD does not resolve the unsolved problems of our current physics theories because it doesn’t need to.