This article assumes basic knowledge of quantum-geometry dynamics; minimally the concepts presented in the short article Quantum-Geometry Dynamics in a Nutshell.
Extraordinary experimental results sometimes go unnoticed, unrecognized, ignored or, when they disagree with predictions of well-established theories, are met with a healthy dose of skepticism. This appears to be the case for a recent experiment conducted by A. Calcaterra, R. de Sangro, G. Finocchiaro, P. Patteri, M. Piccolo and G. Pizzella of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare,Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (National Institute for Nuclear Physics) and which is the subject of an article they posted to Arxiv in November 2012 under the title Measuring Propagation Speed of Coulomb Fields.
As the title suggests, their experiment was designed to measure the speed of propagation of Coulomb fields generated by a beam of electrons. Theories predict a finite propagation speed that can be no faster than the speed of light (the universal speed limit according to special relativity) but instead the researchers “[…] have found that, in this case, the measurements are compatible with an instantaneous propagation of the field.”
These results, though in disagreement with predictions based on dominant theories, confirm predictions made using QGD that date as far back as April 2010. If the results of this experiment are confirmed by future experiments, these results may be the first to provide strong experimental evidence in support QGD’s description of the relationship between the gravitational and the electromagnetic interactions.
According to quantum-geometry dynamics, electrons are composite particles made from bound ; one of only two fundamental particles predicted to exist by QGD.
are strictly kinetic particles that move at the speed of light (actually, for those who are familiar with QGD, it is light that moves at the speed of
not the reverse). The speed and momentum of
are intrinsic fundamental properties that never change but their directions can change under the influence of gravitational interactions. P-gravity, the attractive force acting between the
of an electron, binds them into helical trajectories (see this article).
Also according to QGD, the majority of in the universe are free and distributed isotropically in space. They form what we will call the preonic field. Magnetic fields would then result from the interactions between the bound
of electrons and their neighboring regions of the preonic field. The electrons (or other charged particles) affect the direction of free
, which otherwise would move in random directions, thus polarizing regions of the preonic field (a detailed explanation can be found in relevant chapters of Introduction to Quantum-Geometry Dynamics). Using QGD, the observed repulsive and attractive effects of magnetic fields on/between objects could can be simply explained as being caused by the absorption of the free polarized
which impart them their momentum.
Now, though QGD predicts that no particles or structures can move (propagate) faster than , it imposes no such limit on interactions. In fact, QGD predicts that gravitational interactions (of which gravity is a manifestation at the Newtonian scale) must be instantaneous. It follows that, as an electron moves through space its neighboring region of the preonic field instantly becomes polarized. This instantaneous polarization is exactly what was observed during the experiment.
If confirmed, the experiment conducted by Calcaterra, de Sangro, Finocchiaro, Patteri, Piccolo and Pizzella not only will be a strong indication that gravity and electromagnetism are connected in the way that QGD predicts, but it would also support a number of other predictions and implications of quantum-geometry dynamics. It would, to give a few examples, support the ideas that space may be discrete rather than continuous, that particles we assume to be elementary have structure and are composed of , that there are only two fundamental forces, n-gravity and p-gravity (all other forces being resulting effects), that gravity is instantaneous (which would prohibit gravitational waves and would explain why they have never been directly observed or ever will be) and that the universe evolved, not from a singularity, but from an initial state in which
were all free and distributed isotropically through quantum-geometrical space (which is consistent with the isotropy of the CMB).
They conclude their paper with the invitation: “We would welcome any interpretation, different from the Feynman conjecture or the instantaneous propagation that will help understanding the time/space evolution of the electric field we measure.” Quantum-geometry dynamics not only provides an explanation of their results, it predicted them.
***UPDATE (nov/10/2014)*** I received confirmation that the group who had performed the experiment repeated the experiment in 2014. The new measurements confirm the results publish in 2012 on Arxiv.
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