QGD predicts that black holes are extremely dense but not infinitely so. Considering that are strictly kinetic and that no two can simultaneously occupy any given
. It follows that
or, since
is the fundamental unit of space, we can simply write
for the minimum corresponding radius
For the radius of the black hole predicted to be a the center of our galaxy, and
where the mass is expressed in
and radius in
. Though converting this into conventional units requires observations to determine the values of the QGD constants
, using relation between QGD and Newtonian gravity, we also predict that the radius within which light cannot escape a massive structure is
is used to represent the gravitational constant. Since the Schwarzschild radius for a black hole of mass
Using to calculate
the angular radius of the shadow of Sagitarius A*, the black hole at the center of our galaxy, we get
arcsecond as a minimum value which is about 10 times the angular radius calculated using the Schwarzschild radius which i
arcsecond. This prediction will be tested in the near future by the upcoming observations by the Event Horizon Telescope.